
  • Article – Level 3 Certificate in The Principles of Business Administration

Have you ever considered a career in administration? If you’re a good organiser, great with people, and enjoy establishing ‘order’ where there simply isn’t any currently, you could be an asset to a business or company just starting up. A qualification such as the Level 3 Certificate in The Principles of Business Administration will help you get there.

Business Qualifications’ Level 3 Certificate in The Principles of Business Administration course is the ideal vehicle to help you stand out from the crowd. It’s a nationally-recognised qualification on the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF), and has been written to National Occupational Standards (NOS), which means employers have had significant input in its design. ‘Double-Whammy!’.

Consider the following typical scenario:

Most businesses start out with one owner/operator just plying his (or her) trade on his/her own behalf rather than as an employee. As a freelancer, effectively.

As the order book begins to fill that individual becomes more aware of the lack of structure to their enterprise. For example, they’ll be booking their own appointments, managing quotes and ordering new supplies.

As the business grows, they become less focused on what they set out to achieve and increasingly more embroiled in the ‘admin’ side. Time gets shorter and shorter, which begins to affect the quality of their work and their ability to properly service their customers.

To be fair, many can cope with this, but that’s all they do. Cope. So, when admin becomes too onerous, they look for a man or girl ‘Friday’; someone who can do all this peripheral ‘stuff’ for them.

There’s a huge market for these skills, and the best way to get yourself into this increasing speciality is to get yourself a qualification that tells the market you have the skills.

Get yourself enrolled on Business Qualifications’ Level 3 Certificate in The Principles of Business Administration course today. With up to 12 months’ of dedicated tutor support you control how quickly you progress.

New career around the corner? You decide. Do it today. Enrol now and take control of your future.